Accept the problem
You have to be at peace with a problem, for the solution you have to accept yourself where you are, no matter what – you cannot solve any problem without first accepting it, and yourself. We spend so much of our time trying to deny what has happened or deny a part of ourselves, pushing it away, which only leads to more of the problem appearing in your life. Very often simply fully accepting the part of you that is creating the problem will be enough to have it disappear, as it is so used to being pushed away/rejected. Part of you is trying to send you a message; maybe it’s time you listened.
You cannot attract to you, that to which you are not already connected
So be an appreciator. One of the fastest ways to attract what you want towards you is learning to appreciate the good in whatever situation it is life is presenting you with. Being an appreciator is so important because it is the closest energetic vibrational match to source and therefore the creation of what it is that you want. Therefore the more you operate at that frequency, the closer to source you are, and the faster things will manifest for you in the physical world. It is not important to verbalize your appreciation but simply to offer it. Appreciation is the antidote to some of the lowest forms of energy and emotions we are capable of e.g. shame, resentment, etc. By offering thanks and assuming that you already have what you seek, you immediately begin to attract more of it towards you, whether you have any of it or not.
Have a nice day