How to Be More Attractive
- learn how to listen
- don’t overshare
- there’s nothing more unattractive than neediness
- value people’s time and energy
- spread your knowledge in a humble way, avoid
appearing arrogant or superior - never beg for anyone or anything
- give yourself the validation that you seek from
others - know that you always have a lot of options
- stay busy with things that make you feel good
about yourself and don’t jump for anyone - stick at your words, no one takes you seriously
if you don’t; “actions over words” - learn how to say No and never feel guilty about it
- avoid being a complainer
- fill your cup before filing others
- see something positive in every situation
- know that you’re the prize and act like it
- be extremely careful about who you’re allowing into your inner circle
- treat yourself like a priority in order to get
treated like a priority