Category «Happy Life»

Good morning message

Have a Morning Routine.  How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Make sure that you have an attitude-boosting morning routine that puts you in a good mood so that you can start the day off right. Carry An Attitude of Happiness With You.  Instead of waiting for external things to …

Control your language

No, this isn’t about the language police, or trying to swear less (although the latter is probably a good idea). This is about being conscious of the words you use when speaking and thinking. Language affects a person’s view of the world, and the way they think. Taken to the furthest extent, your language actually …

Tip of the day 

Have a Purpose Having a purpose in life gives you a fixed point in the horizon to focus on, so that you can remain steady amid life’s vicissitudes and challenges. Bringing meaning and purpose into your life—knowing why you are here—will do wonders for your attitude. Focus On the Good In order to have a …

Surround yourself with positive people.

The old saying “birds of a feather flock together” can be viewed two ways. Either people who are similar naturally find each other, or people in a group become the same over time. Surround yourself with positive people. Who you hang around with rubs off on you. If you’re always with negative people who complain …

10 tips for happy life

Everyone desires to be happy and this wish is absolutely legitimate. Let me share with you some tips about how to live a happy life: 1) Learn to love yourself, because from healthy self-love and self-respect starts love and respect toward others.  2) Another very important thing on the list of tips for a happy …

Peace is present…

“Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. Every breath we take, every step we take, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.”  …

How To Manage Your Stress

manage stress

By finding the way to reduce the stresses in your life you will feel more relax and will find many creative ideas to improve also your business. That’s why I would wish to convince you about the importance of simplify your life. Don’t sweat and lose time and energy on a small stuff. Concentrate on …

How Stress Can Make You Fat?


If you are like most people you’ve probably gone through difficult periods in your life, if you have, you may have noticed that you put on weight, even if you were actually eating less. The fact is that stress can make you fat. Here’s Why… Research scientists have discovered that the hormone cortisol, loves stress …

How stress affects our health?

how stress affect our life

Normal everyday problems with family and money contribute to a build up of stress. This is one of the main reasons that we do not enjoy the good health we deserve. Sometimes we are not even aware of the problem until a crisis occurs in our lives, by that time considerable damage can have occurred …

Yoga For Stress Relief

detox body

Yoga is a science. That is something to grasp. Yoga is a science, and not a vague, dreamy drifting or imagining. While it is true the west has been familiar with the practice of yoga for a relatively short time, yoga is not a new discipline , and it has been studied and practiced in …